Thursday, December 15, 2011

Biodiversity and Conservation Biology

Chapter 53


Biodiversity is the richness of living systems

Genetic variation: the raw material for adaptation, speciation, and evolutionary diversification

Species richness: the number and variety of species within a community – influences its overall characteristics, population interactions, and trophic structure

Ecosystem level: complex interactions bind species in an ecosystem together, and different ecosystems interact within the biosphere

53.1 The Biodiversity Crisis

Biodiversity is declining dramatically, perhaps faster than ever before in Earth’s history

Three broad threats are caused by humans and exacerbated by global climate change:

Clearing of forests (deforestation and desertification)

Commercial overexploitation of marine fish populations

Hydrologic alterations of freshwater ecosystems


Global deforestation occurs at a rate of 13 million hectares per year

More than 90% of occurs in tropical regions

Forests most often cut for grazing livestock

25% of all deforestation in Brazil, which has 27% of the planet’s above-ground woody biomass

Most forests are burned as they are cleared

Adds CO2 to the atmosphere, enhancing global climate change

Deforestation also reduces the amount of carbon (CO2) removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis

Deforestation- Amazon Basin

Tropical Rain Forests

~ 50% have already been cleared globally

Cleared to harvest valuable timber, and to make way for subsistence farming.


Temperate forest of North America

Clearing began with arrival of European settlers.

Cleared to harvest timber & turpentine, and for agriculture.

< 1% of the original temperate forest in southeast US survives.


When large tracts of subtropical forest are cleared and overused, the land often undergoes desertification:

Groundwater table recedes to deeper levels

Less surface water is available for plants

Soil accumulates high concentrations of salts (salinization)

Topsoil is eroded by wind and water

Desertification speeds the loss of biodiversity locally, sometimes eliminating entire ecosystems

The Sahel Region of Africa


Excessive harvesting of an animal or plant species (overexploitation) can cause evolutionary changes and local extinctions

Overexploitation severely threatens marine ecosystems

Yield of fish stocks in Grand Banks has declined to less than 10% of highest historic levels

Cod now mature at a younger age and smaller size

The Grand Banks: Cod

Hydrologic Alterations

Hydrologic alterations (such as dams) are changes to the pathways through which water moves in the hydrologic cycle

Water is used for agricultural, industrial, homes; generate hydroelectric power; mitigate flooding

Hydrologic alterations have practically eliminated some freshwater ecosystems – including the Nile and the Colorado River

More than 30% of the native species in North America are now threatened with extinction

Three Gorges Dam

Water Use and the Florida Everglades

53.2 Specific Threats to Biodiversity

When humans colonize a habitat, they build roads and clear isolated areas for specific uses – reducing areas of intact habitat to small, isolated patches (habitat fragmentation)

The combination of small population size and genetic isolation reduces genetic variability and fosters extinction

Habitat Fragmentation

Habitat Fragmentation

Habitat fragmentation

Reduction to small, isolated patches

Smaller patches, lower carrying capacity

Patches separated by unsuitable habitat

Increasing edge effects reduces remaining habitat quality

Local environmental changes

Songbird reduction from habitat types, brood parasitism and nest predation

Experimental Research:
Predation on Songbird Nests

Habitat Fragmentation

Specific Threats to Biodiversity

Pollutants are materials or energy in forms or quantities that organisms do not usually encounter

Chemical pollutants, the by-products or waste products of agriculture and industry, are released locally – but many spread in water or air on a continental or global scale

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) from coal-burning power plants and acid precipitation

Acid Precipitation

Patz, 2005. “Impact of regional climate change of human health”

Introduction of Exotic Species

The introduction of nonnative organisms (exotic species) into new habitats poses a serious threat to biodiversity

Exotic species prey upon, parasitize, outcompete native species, leading to their extinction

Many have r-selected life histories – mature and reproduce quickly, and thrive in degraded habitats

In the absence of competitors, predators, and parasites – exotics often experience exponential population growth

Starling Range Expansion


Hemlocks Killed by Woolly Adelgids

Spread of Disease-Causing Organisms

53.3 The Value of Biodiversity

Human activities are causing the current dramatic decline in biodiversity

Arguments for conserving biodiversity fall into three general groups:

Its direct benefit to humans

Its indirect benefit to all living systems

Its intrinsic worth

The Pacific Yew Tree and Teosinte

Indirect Benefits of Biodiversity

Humans and other species derive indirect benefits when ecosystems perform the ecological processes on which all life depends (ecosystem services)

Decomposition of wastes, nutrient recycling, oxygen production, maintenance of fertile topsoil, and purification of air and water

Photosynthetic organisms also mitigate global warming by withdrawing CO2 from the atmosphere and incorporating it into wood or shells (carbon sequestration)

Intrinsic Value of Biodiversity

Ethicists argue that biodiversity has intrinsic worth as living species, independent of direct or indirect value to humans

Countering this position is the view that human needs should always rank above those of other species and that we should use them to maximize our own welfare

This debate deals more with philosophy and public policy than biology – nevertheless, many people feel that the natural landscape enhances human existence in intangible ways

53.4 Where Biodiversity Is
Most Threatened

Researchers have pinpointed 34 biodiversity hotspots – where biodiversity is concentrated and endangered by human encroachment

A biodiversity hotspot must harbor at least 1,500 endemic plant species (those that are found nowhere else), and it must have already lost at least 70% of its natural vegetation

Locally distributed species account for much of Earth’s biodiversity; and if the local habitats where these species occur are at risk of development, the species are also at risk

Sites Where Extinctions Are Imminent

In 2005, they identified 595 locations in tropical forests, on islands, or mountainous regions where 794 highly endangered species (“trigger species”) are confined to a single site

An endangered species is one that is “in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range”

Imminent Danger of Extinctions

53.5 Conservation Biology:
Principles and Theory

Conservation biology is an interdisciplinary science that focuses on the maintenance and preservation of biodiversity

Conservation biologists use theoretical concepts from systematics, population genetics, population ecology, and behavior to develop ways to protect habitats and the endangered species that live within them

Population Genetics

When populations are reduced to a small size, genetic drift reduces their genetic variability and evolutionary potential to adapt

The loss of even a small fraction of a species’ genetic diversity reduces its survival potential

Conservationists try to increase both the population sizes of threatened and endangered species and their genetic variation within and between populations

Whooping Cranes

Population Ecology and Behavior

Conservation programs require data about a target species’ ecology and behavior, including its feeding habits, movement patterns, and rates of reproduction

Sea otters (a keystone predator)

Hunting reduced otters to about 3,000 individuals

Populations of sea urchins (favored prey) exploded

Sea urchins decimated kelp beds, disrupting animal communities in that habitat

To facilitate recovery, conservation biologists reintroduced otters to several regions

Geographical Range of Sea Otters

Population Viability Analysis

Conservation biologists often conduct a population viability analysis (PVA) to determine how large a population must be to ensure its long-term survival

PVAs evaluate habitat suitability, likelihood of catastrophic events, and other factors that may cause fluctuations in demographics, population size, or genetic variability

When conducting a PVA, researchers must decide what level of risk is acceptable for a given survival time – e.g. a 95% probability that the species will survive for 100 years

Population Viability Analysis (cont.)

An increase in either survival probability or survival time requires an increase in the size of the population that must be conserved

The minimum viable population size identifies the smallest population that fits the specifications of the conservation plan

Example: Biologists used PVA in the conservation of an Australian marsupial, the yellow-bellied glider

The Yellow-Bellied Glider

PVA helped biologists determine which remaining forest tracts are large enough to sustain a yellow-bellied glider population

Landscape Ecology

Conservation biologists often use landscape ecology to design the size and geometry of nature reserves and other protected areas

Landscape ecology analyzes how large-scale ecological factors (distribution of vegetation, topography, human activity) influence local populations and communities

Some protected areas consist of one large habitat patch – others consist of several smaller patches

Landscape Ecology (cont.)

Some conservation biologists argue that clusters of physically separate preserves connected by corridors are most effective in maintaining metapopulations of endangered species

Studies suggest that habitat patches connected by corridors retain more native plant species than isolated patches, and that corridors did not promote the entry of exotic species

The Florida Panther

The Florida Panther

53.6 Conservation Biology:
Strategies and Economic Tools

There is little point in trying to preserve natural populations of individual species if their habitats are in jeopardy

Habitat Protection includes:

Preservation enforces strict land use, sometimes precluding human use

Mixed-use conservation protects some areas and controls development in others

Restoration re-establishes vitality of community or ecosystem


Mixed-Use Conservation

When complete preservation is impractical, conservationists advocate mixed-use conservation, which combines protection of some land parcels with controlled development of others

Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA), Tanzania

Ngorongoro Conservation Area


Conservation biologists sometimes create restoration plans to reestablish a previously disrupted community or ecosystem

Restoration requires the removal of contaminants, impediments to the natural flow of water, and barriers to animal movement – as well as restoration of natural processes, such as periodic fires or floods

Most restoration projects also require replanting key plant communities and long-term management after restoration

Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Restoration

Economic Factors

To be successful, a conservation plan must be economically feasible and provide direct benefits to local residents whose lives it will affect

Conservation plans are more successful if they provide local residents with benefits that depend on the existence of a preserve

The Chitwan National Park, Nepal

originally a hunting ground for local royalty

Today, humans are excluded from the park for most of the year

Chitwan National Park, Nepal


In some preserves, governments enlist local residents in park operations, providing them with a viable livelihood

The most successful approach has been ecotourism in which visitors, often from wealthier countries, pay to visit a nature preserve where local people work

Critics note that increased human (and automobile) traffic degrades protected habitats – and unregulated ecotourism can eventually lead to overdevelopment

Ecotourism in Costa Rica

Ecosystem Valuation

In the mid-1990s, conservation biologists and economists developed the concept of ecosystem valuation, in which ecosystem services are assigned an economic value

The global value of ecosystem services has been estimated around $33 trillion – almost twice the value of all goods produced by all humans on the planet

Ecosystem Services & Intrinsic Worth

An Increase in Extinction Rates

Background extinction rates eliminate a few species per year

At least five mass extinctions appear in the fossil record

The greatest mass extinction of all time is occurring now at 1,000 times background rate

What should we do?

Should we act to stop the loss of biodiversity?

If the land mechanism as a whole is good, then every part is good, whether we understand it or not. If the biota, in the course of aeons, has built something we like but do not understand, then who but a fool would discard seemingly useless parts? To keep every cog and wheel is the first precaution of intelligent tinkering.

Aldo Leopold, 1953

Should we act to stop the loss of biodiversity?

How realistic is it to try to save every species?

If we can’t save every species, then what do we save and what do we let go?

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